Ranked by Total Population as of 2014

Game Instructions

Guess the countries before viewing the list. If guessing with friends & family, guess the countries taking turns and award 1 point to each player that gives a correct answer. After all 10 countries have been guessed total the points for this round and select another Top 10 list to play.

Rank 1

China: 1,365,070,000

Rank 2

India: 1,245,490,000

Rank 3

United States: 318,229,000

Rank 4

Indonesia: 247,424,598

Rank 5

Brazil: 202,718,000

Rank 6

Pakistan: 188,020,000

Rank 7

Nigeria: 173,615,000

Rank 8

Bangladesh: 156,467,000

Rank 9

Russia: 143,700,000

Rank 10

Japan: 127,100,00

Entire List

1. China. 1,365,070,000
2. India. 1,245,490,000
3. United States. 318,229,000
4. Indonesia. 247,424,598
5. Brazil. 202,718,000
6. Pakistan. 188,020,000
7. Nigeria. 173,615,000
8. Bangladesh. 156,467,000
9. Russia. 143,700,000
10. Japan. 127,100,00

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